Tales From The Tech: The Naked Man

tales from the tech

I was in charge of training our new technician, who had been working with our company for only about two weeks so far. She had just finished the in-class training program and today was going to be her first day out on a job. She was looking forward to putting what she learned into practice … Read more

Fact or Fiction: Moving Will Leave Bed Bugs Behind

No bed bugs

When faced with bed bugs, moving into a new apartment or house will leave the bed bugs behind and give you a clean start. FICTION Moving will NOT automatically eliminate your bed bug problem! There are necessary precautions you MUST take to ensure that bed bugs are left behind during your move. It is ideal … Read more

Tales From The Tech: The Cockroach Hammock

tales from the tech

This is a story that happened when I was in training. At the time, I had yet to get a properly fitting uniform, so my options were pretty much limited to flood pant level short or much too long. I opted for the latter usually, because when I was wearing my work boots the bottom … Read more