Watch For Voles This Fall

Vole on a hand

Now that fall is upon us everyone will be spending more time inside their warm homes. With the temperatures dropping, we are not the only creatures looking to find a warm spot to call home. Many people are familiar with pestilent rodents like mice and burrowing moles, but not as familiar with one of Canada’s … Read more

Mice vs. Voles

Mice and voles can appear similar at first glance. When you take a closer look at both species of rodent you will see that they actually have more differences than similarities. Both Mice and Voles: Rodents Approximately 5 – 8 inches long Grey / brown fur Mice: Slender bodies Pointed noses Will eat almost anything … Read more

Ask The Expert: How Do I Know I Have Voles?

vole trails in lawn

Voles are small rodents (6 inches in length or so) that are often mistaken for their rodent cousins, mice and moles. Voles have an ability to do significant damage to your lawn and garden, because they’re very resilient creatures that eat just about any plant material they come into contact with. They reproduce rapidly, and … Read more

Repairing Lawn Damage Caused by Voles

Vole trails with nest

Anyone who’s ever had a vole infestation knows that the voracious little critters are extremely damaging to just about any kind of plant material they come across. Here in Manitoba, the most common type of vole is the meadow vole, though you might sometimes encounter the prairie vole in the Western part of the province. … Read more

Getting To Know The Vole


As the temperatures are starting to rise and the snow is melting, you may be seeing many grass laden tunnels appearing in your grass. This year’s vole population will likely be very high due to the heavy amounts of snow received in Manitoba and other certain parts of western Canada. Voles look like a house … Read more